Aloe Organic Noorendav Öökreem 50ml

Parim enne: 30.04.2026


ALOE ORGANIC vananemisvastane öökreem on looduslik, orgaaniline kreem aaloega ja viigikaktuse ekstraktiga, mis on välja töötatud spetsiaalselt öiseks kasutamiseks. Kreemil on ECOCERT sertifikaat.

Kreem sisaldab 98% looduslikku päritolu koostisosi, millest 31% on jälgitavate istandike orgaanilised koostisosad.

Tugeva vananemisvastase ja antioksüdantse omadusega niisutav kreem toetab näonaha niisutamist, toitmist ja taastumist, jõudes selle sügavamatesse kihtidesse ning vähendab ärritust.

ALOE ORGANIC öökreemi aktiivsed koostisosad aitavad nahka nähtavalt uuendada – vähendavad kortse ja peeneid joonekesi ning takistavad nende süvenemist. Nad toetavad naha struktuuri õiget taastamist öösel, muutes selle hommikuks puhanuks, siledaks ja värskeks.

ALOE ORGANIC aaloekreem on rikas ka looduslike õlide poolest, mis vastutavad naha õige niisutamise ja toitmise eest, toetades selle siledust ja tugevust.

Aaloelehe mahlast, viigikaktusest ja kummelist koosnev orgaaniline koostis on kauakestva niisutava toimega, vähendab ärritust ja punetust.

Loodusliku fütiinhappe sisalduse tõttu aitab kreem vähendada ka värvimuutusi ja muid nahavigu, andes sellele ühtlase värvi ja loomuliku sära.

ALOE ORGANIC vananemisvastane öökreem on looduslik ja orgaaniline kosmeetika, mis on sertifitseeritud ECOCERT Greenlife institutsiooni poolt vastavalt ECOCERT standarditele.

1 laos



ALOE ORGANIC anti-aging night cream is a natural, organic cream with aloe and the addition of precious prickly pear extract, developed especially for night use. The cream is ECOCERT certified. Together with him, you can take care of your skin according to nature!

The cream contains 98% of ingredients of natural origin, of which 31% are organic ingredients from monitored plantations.

The cosmetic is distinguished by strong anti-aging and antioxidant properties. It supports the hydration, nourishment and regeneration of the facial skin, reaching its deeper layers, and reduces irritation.

The active ingredients of ALOE ORGANIC night cream cause visible skin rejuvenation – they reduce wrinkles and fine lines and prevent their deepening. They support the proper reconstruction of the skin’s structure during the night, making it rested, smooth and fresh in the morning.

ALOE ORGANIC aloe cream is also rich in natural oils that are responsible for the proper level of hydration and lubrication of the skin, thus supporting its smoothness and firmness.

The organic composition made of aloe leaf juice, prickly pear and chamomile has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, reduces irritation and redness.

Due to the content of natural phytic acid, the cream also helps reduce discolorations and other skin imperfections, giving it a uniform color and natural glow.

ALOE ORGANIC anti-aging night cream is a natural and organic cosmetic that has been certified by the ECOCERT Greenlife institution in accordance with ECOCERT standards