Kanepiõli Kosmeetika Minikomplekt 3 toodet

Parim enne: 30.12.2026


Kosmeetika minikomplektist leiate populaarseimad tooted, mis on valitud näo, huulte ja käte igakülgseks hoolduseks.

See on hea võimalus õppida tundma kanepiõli erakordseid kosmeetilisi omadusi, mis on hädavajalikud igat tüüpi, eriti küpse, kuiva ja ärritunud naha korralikuks hooldamiseks. Selle niisutavad ja toitvad omadused on kasulikud ka teistele nahatüüpidele.

Kui ostad komplekti, säästad raha ja kosmeetika on pakitud kanepilehtedega ökoloogilisse karpi. Just sobiv kingituseks!

Minikomplekt sisaldab (paki sisu) 3 kehahooldustoodet:

  1. Niisutav Seerum Kuivale Nahale 50ml

2. Niisutav Kätekreem kanepiõliga 100ml

3. Niisutav ja Huule palsam


Kaunis papist kinkekarp

NB! Toodete värv ja disain erineb tootefotol esitatud toodetest.

1 laos



In the India Mini Set you will find our most popular products, selected for comprehensive care of the face, lips and hands.

This is a good opportunity to learn about the extraordinary cosmetic properties of hemp oil, essential for proper care of any skin type, especially mature, dry and irritated skin. Its moisturizing and nourishing properties also benefit other skin types.

Serum with hemp oil, for very dry skin of the face and hands 50 ml

India hemp oil serum was created for quick, effective and comprehensive action – moisturizing and regenerating dry skin of the face and hands.
The properties of the most important active ingredient, hemp oil, guarantee intense and deep hydration. Hemp oil provides the skin with essential nutrients, which increases the epidermis’ resistance to the harmful effects of external factors (protects against wind, cold, frost). Additional substances enhance the effect of the serum, stimulating the regeneration of the epidermis and correcting imperfections.
  • Hemp oil – moisturizes, nourishes, soothes irritated skin and accelerates its regeneration. Increases the skin’s resistance to the adverse effects of weather conditions.
  • Aloe vera – soothes irritations and regenerates dry skin.
  • D-panthenol – has a moisturizing, healing effect, soothes redness and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamin E – protects the epidermis and regenerates collagen fibers, softens and smoothes the skin surface.
When used regularly and ad hoc, it helps to deal with problems such as dry skin of hands and face in winter or dry skin in summer.

If you buy the set, you save, and the cosmetics are packed in an ecological box with hemp leaves. Just right for a gift!

The mini set includes (package content):

Hand protection cream with hemp oil 100ml
Serum with hemp oil, for very dry skin of the face and hands, 50 ml                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         lip balm

Beautiful cardboard gift box