Lõhnatu Üldpuhastusvahend 500ml ECO


Universaalne lõhnatu üldpuhastusvahend sisaldab keskkonnasõbralikke koostisosi ja tagab võimsa puhastustoime.

See on valmistatud puhastest taimsetest komponentidest ega sisalda lõhnaaineid, et eemaldada pestavatelt pindadelt vaevata rasv, hallitus, mustus ja muu tõrksa mustuse.


Pihustage töödeldavale pinnale ja puhastage lapiga. Kangekaelsete plekkidega tegelemisel laske puhastusvahendil mõni minut mõjuda, seejärel pühkige puhtaks.


1 laos



The Universal Surface Cleaner contains eco-friendly ingredients and delivers powerful cleaning action.
It is formulated with pure, plant-based components and is free from fragrances to remove grease, mould, dirt and other stubborn dirt found on washable surfaces effortlessly.

Directions for use:

  • Spray on the surface to be treated and clean with a cloth.
  • Allow the cleaner to take effect for a few minutes when dealing with stubborn stains then wipe clean.

Ingredients (INCI)

  • purified water
  • Anionic surfactant
  • non-ionic surfactant
  • sodium chloride (salt)
  • citric acid
  • Pyrus sorbus (Rowanberry) fruit extract 1
  • ethanol
  • potassium sorbate
  1. certified organic ingredient
Properties : Vegan, Free from synthetic fragrances
Use for: Universal
Features: Non-GMO, Free from Synthetic Fragrances, Free from Synthetic Dyes, Free from Synthetic Preservatives, Free from Synthetic Additives, Free from Microplastics, Natural, Vegan
Effective: Against Grease, Against Mould, Against Dirt