GEO Looduslik Terrakotta Idandamisalus 1tk


Geo Terracotta Sprouting Tower on ideaalne koht igasuguste idude kasvatamiseks. See näeb suurepärane välja ka aknalaual. See on valmistatus Itaalias Provence’i savist. See imeline materjal pakub suurepärast idanemiskeskkonda, kuna talletab vett ja eraldab seda pidevalt seemnetesse.

Idandamistorn on varustatud kokku nelja kausiga. Kolm kaussi on varustatud aukudega, mille kaudu liigne vesi välja voolab. Need pakuvad piisavalt ruumi rikkalikuks idandite kasvatamiseks. Alumine kauss toimib vee kogumisnõuna ja seda tuleb regulaarselt tühjendada. Idandamisaluse peal on praktilise käepidemega kaas.

Bavicchi idandamistorni eripäraks on päeva- ja ööfunktsioon, mis saavutatakse kausside pööramisega. Teatud idud, nagu oad ja muud kaunviljad, eelistavad suletud varianti, kuna vajavad niisket ja pimedat keskkonda. Teised idud seevastu armastavad kerget ja õhulist. See tähendab, et igat tüüpi idudele saab pakkuda ideaalset keskkonda. Terrakotta eelis teiste idandamisaluste ees on õhutus ja loomulik niisutus. Idud ei vetti alusel ära.


Leotage seemneid vastavalt juhistele.  Seejärel loputage jooksva vee all.

Jaotage seemned kaussidesse ühtlaselt. Asetage idandamistorn sooja kohta, ilma otsese päikesevalguseta.

Kastke või pihustage mitu korda päevas vastavalt juhistele. Olenevalt seemnetest on iodud valmis mõne päeva pärast.

Mõõdud: 17 x 17 x 30 cm

Kaal: 3,3 kg

Materjal: savi

4 laos



This Geo Terracotta Sprouting Tower by Bavicchi is the ideal place for growing all kinds of sprouts. With its Mediterranean flair, it also looks great on a windowsill. It was made in Italy with clay from Provence. This wonderful material offers an excellent germination environment, as it stores water and continuously releases it to the seed.

The Bavicchi germination tower is equipped with a total of four bowls. Three bowls are provided with holes through which the excess water can drain off. These offer enough space for rich sprout cultivation. The bottom bowl serves as a collecting basin and should be emptied regularly. A lid with a practical handle forms the end.

A special feature of the germination tower is the day and night function, which is achieved by turning the bowls. Certain sprouts, such as beans and other legumes, prefer the closed version because they need a damp and dark environment. Other sprouts, on the other hand, love it light and airy. This means that every type of sprout can be offered the perfect environment.


Soak the seeds according to the instructions.
Then rinse under running water.
Distribute the seeds evenly in the bowls.
Place the germination tower in a warm place without direct sunlight.
Water or spray several times a day as instructed.
Depending on the seed, germination is complete after a few days.
Brands: Bavicchi
More information
Size: 17 x 17 x 30 cm
Weight: 3.3kg
Material: Clay